Indian Culinary Institute Noida |
The main objective of setting up of the Indian Culinary Institute (ICI) is to institutionalize a mechanism to support efforts intended to preserve, document, promote and disseminate Indian Cuisine, meet the sectoral requirement of specialists specific to Indian Cuisine, as also of promoting Cuisine as a Niche Tourism product. .
The ICIs will be Centres of Excellence which will offer structured regular programmes of study specific to culinary arts and culinary management leading to graduate and post-graduate level degrees, promote research and innovation, organize demand-driven certificate and diploma courses, document and create database specific to Indian cuisine and commission studies and survey on cuisine.
The need for ICI was felt as the formal education specific to Indian cuisine, a culinary art, with pan India sweep is conspicuous by its absence. There is no regular credible institutional source at apex level for the supply of cuisine specialists to the Sector. Also, there was no institutional mechanism to document and disseminate knowledge related to cuisine and gastronomy.
- In India, at present, there is a dearth of state-of-the-art training ground to groom top-of-the-line chefs of international standards. To fill this void, the Indian Culinary Institute would provide the appropriate training platform at par with the elite “Chef Schools” functioning in different parts of the developed world.
- The ICI edifice would be exclusive and one of its kind at selecting and training the best talent through intensive programmes, initially of three years duration.
- This effort will facilitate building a super-speciality food production work-force to assure positions of culinary experts in the hospitality industry.
- The ICIs will also help the local youth to get trained in these streams as well as create entrepreneurs and make them self-sufficient.
- The hotel and tourism industry in the proximity of these institutes will also get benefitted by getting the trained and skilled manpower which in turn will enhance their business.
• The Indian Culinary Institute will collaborate with the best foreign institutions in its field, in order to position itself as a Centre of Excellence, which would attract the finest global talent.
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