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Showing posts from June, 2020


INDIAN CULINARY INSTITUTE NOIDA                             (Promoted by Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)                                     Organizes Webinar on CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN CULINARY ARTS For All BBA & MBA in Culinary Arts Applicants for Admission Join Us Live on: 28 th  June to 3 rd  July 2020 (11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon)                                   For Registration Click Here                  FOCUS POINTS OF DISCUSSION    Date: 30 June 2020 ...

ICI Members

MEMBERSHIP The Society shall consist of the following members: (a) Chairman, Minister, Central Government. (b) Following three officials shall be ex-officio representatives of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India: (1) Secretary (Tourism), (2) Financial Advisor, and (3) Chief Executive Officer, National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Noida. (b) Three representatives of the Central Government, one each to be nominated from the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Food Processing Industries and Department of Ayush (Ministry of Health), not below the rank of Joint Secretary. (c) Two Chief Executive Officers / Chief Operating Officers of leading hotel chains in India – to be nominated by Government of India. (e) Chairman/President of each of the following organizations: (1) Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) (2) Hotel Association of India (HAI) (f) Two independent professionals – to be nominated by Government of India. (g) President o...

ICI Memorandum of Association

Memorandum Of Association 1. The name of the Society shall be the 'Indian Culinary Institute (Tirupati), Andhra Pradesh Society.' 2. The registered office of the Society shall be situated at Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. 3. The objects for which the Society is established are to establish and to carry on the administration and management of the Indian Culinary Institute hereinafter called the 'Institute' whose functions shall be: i. To offer structured regular programmes of study specific to culinary arts leading to graduate and post graduate level degrees; ii. To offer courses in allied subjects, such as food science nutrition, hygiene & standards, molecular gastronomy; iii. To conduct demand driven certificate and diploma courses relating to culinary arts and cuisine; iv. To award its own certificates and diplomas; v. To affiliate with a university for the award of degrees; vi. To evolve into and serve as world class resource centre in its subject domain, conforming t...

ICI Director's Message

Director's Message Indian Culinary Institute (ICI) an autonomous institute under Ministry of Tourism, Government of India commissioned at Noida and Tirupati, which are the state-of-art Institutes and is expected to be at par with the best International Culinary Institutes. The Indian tourism industry today added another step for further promotion and development of culinary tourism in India as the ICI will attract the best of the talents in the specialized field with a world class infrastructure such as culinary studio with facility to have smart class rooms, specialized kitchens and microbiology labs with modern and latest equipment, training restaurants for various cuisines, modern hostel facility for boys and girls. This is the time of specialization and Culinary Art is a highly specialized field of education for Hospitality Industry today.The curriculum is being designed in close association with the best in the Culinary field- both from Industry and Academia. This will ensure ...

About ICI

Indian Culinary Institute Noida  Overview The main objective of setting up of the Indian Culinary Institute (ICI) is to institutionalize a mechanism to support efforts intended to preserve, document, promote and disseminate Indian Cuisine, meet the sectoral requirement of specialists specific to Indian Cuisine, as also of promoting Cuisine as a Niche Tourism product. . The ICIs will be Centres of Excellence which will offer structured regular programmes of study specific to culinary arts and culinary management leading to graduate and post-graduate level degrees, promote research and innovation, organize demand-driven certificate and diploma courses, document and create database specific to Indian cuisine and commission studies and survey on cuisine. The need for ICI was felt as the formal education specific to Indian cuisine, a culinary art, with pan India sweep is conspicuous by its absence. There is no regular credible institutional source at apex level for the supply of cuisine...

Aims And Objectives Aims & Objectives of the Indian Culinary Institute

Aims And Objectives Aims & Objectives of the Indian Culinary Institute Society 1. To offer structured regular programmes of study specific to culinary arts leading to graduate and post graduate level degrees; 2. To offer courses in allied subjects, such as food science nutrition, hygiene & standards, molecular gastronomy; 3. To conduct demand driven certificate and diploma courses relating to culinary arts and cuisine; 4. To award its own certificates and diplomas; 5. To affiliate with a university for the award of degrees; 6. To evolve into and serve as world class resource centre in its subject domain, conforming to international benchmarks that have been set by Le Cordon Bleu, Culinary Institute of America and other such institutes and striving to be the gold standard for India Cuisine worldwide. 7. To serve as an institutional facilitator for the meeting of Indian cuisine researchers / experts with those in the other countries; 8. To serve as the nodal point for the propaga...